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extend jni.exp for dynamic libs


could we introduce something like this in jni.exp?

The thing I need to improve is the detection of the test target, right now as you see I did it with hardcoded.
This patchlet would at least build and link the jni test on darwin. I'm going further in finding the right way to make tests also work.



--- jni.exp	13 Dec 2002 05:00:14 -0000	1.9
+++ jni.exp	19 Feb 2003 18:20:48 -0000
@@ -5,11 +5,19 @@
 # success.
 proc gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so {file {options {}}} {
   global srcdir
+  set test_host "darwin"
+  if { $test_host == "darwin"} {
+		set so_extension "dylib"
+		set so_flag "-dynamiclib"
+	} else {
+		set so_extension "so"
+		set so_flag "-shared"
+	}

   set name [file rootname [file tail $file]]
-  set soname lib${name}.so
+  set soname lib${name}.${so_extension}

-  lappend options "additional_flags=-shared -fPIC"
+  lappend options "additional_flags=${so_flag} -fPIC"
   # Find the generated header.
   lappend options "additional_flags=-I. -I.."
   # Find jni.h.
@@ -156,7 +164,7 @@

# When we succeed we remove all our clutter.
- eval gcj_cleanup [glob -nocomplain -- ${main}.*] [list $main lib${main}.so]
+ eval gcj_cleanup [glob -nocomplain -- ${main}.*] [list $main lib${main}.${so_extension}]

   return 1

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