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Re: libltdl vs System.loadLibrary

R. A. Rivas Diaz wrote:
System.loadLibrary() is not working on the Windows (mingw) platform
right now. I tested it using the last version of mingw (2.0.0) which
includes GCC 3.2 and the beta version of GCJ 3.2 available.
Looking through the libgcj configure script, I find that
USE_LTDL is not used if "--with-cross-host" is specified -
I had to specify it for the GCJ crossed-native build for
some reason - don't exactly remember why. I'll try building
it again without this and also try out JNI while I'm
at it.

Without USE_LTDL, Runtime.loadLibrary( ) throws an
exception saying that this is not implemented.

Sincerely Yours,

Ranjit Mathew          Email: rmathew AT hotmail DOT com

Bangalore, INDIA.      Web:

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