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am I not cool enough for you?

Adam Megacz writes:
 > Hrm, all I've gotten is silence. Do I smell bad or something?

It looks like quite a nice idea, and we do need to get rid of
addr2line sooner or later.

However, "FIXME: little endian" is a bit worrying.  Is it really
endian dependent?

Also, I don't like:

+java::lang::Throwable::longFromStackTraceBytes(jbyteArray stackArr, jint i)
+    if (i * sizeof(void*) > stackArr->length) return 0;
+    unsigned int* stack = (unsigned int*)elements(stackArr);
+    return (jlong)stack[i];

You'll get alignment faults if you do this -- you can't cast a jbyte*
to a jlong*.  printRawStackTrace copies from stackTraceBytes to a
suitably aligned array.


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