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Re: Problem with jni.h on Solaris

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Kahlert <> writes:

Martin> Is this intented or did i do anything wrong?

Martin> If i compile programs using other compilers than gcc (in my
Martin> case Sun's Forte) i cannot simply add -I/prefix/include to the
Martin> command line, since jni.j includes gcj/libgcj-config.h, which
Martin> is here:
Martin> /prefix/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.7/3.1/include/gcj/libgcj-config.h

This change was intentional.  Putting an architecture-dependent header
file into $(includedir) violates the GNU coding standards.

You, as the installer of the package, can always make a symlink so
that what you want happens out of the box.  Some things like this (and
like the zlib decision) we defer to the packager.


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