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Re: [freenet-tech] Technology / Features

G?ran Thyni <> writes:
> I use pre-3.1 CVS snapshots for my experiments with freenet and gcj.
> 3.1 is much better then 3.0 BUT at this time it is still not up to
> the task of compiling freenet out-of-the-box.

What's missing? Crypto- and network-wise, I've gotten a full SSL
implementation running under GCJ (

You can also run Sun's bytecodes through GCJ (for example, to replace
libgcj's broken*), but the resulting binary probably
can't be redistributed.

I've also found that GCJ kicks the crap out of HotSpot on crypto
operations. For example, TinySSL's RSA handshake runs literally ten
times faster on the same hardware (BouncyCastle crypto library).

  - a

"If I put copyrighted material into the 'chewy nougat center', I can
 claim the crunchy chocolate coating is an 'Access Control
 Mechanism'."                                     --lynx_user_abroad

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