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Re: gcj - java/io/ Internal error: Segmentation fault

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Emberson <emberson@olympia.localDomain> writes:

Richard> Note that I require having the Sun runtime jar file (rt.jar)
Richard> in the class path because one of Ant's classes uses
Richard> 'sun.misc.BASE64Encoder'.  I also must place libgcj.jar
Richard> before the Sun rt.jar so that the correct java.lang.Object is
Richard> picked up.

This may not work.  I suspect it is the root of the problem.

Richard> How/where do I start trying to figure out whats wrong?

Run gdb on jc1; `gcj -v' will tell you where jc1 is and what arguments
it is getting.  Then see where and how jc1 is crashing.  For instance
a stack trace might be useful.

Even if we can't get your scenario to work at the very least gcj
should not crash.


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