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Re: Wait, don't commit the patch [Re: how do I stop gcjh from generating function bodies?]

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Tom Tromey <> writes:
> Adam>     [apply] In file included from /home/megacz/valency/xwt/src/org/xwt/engine/boot/
> Adam>     [apply] src/org/xwt/engine/boot/GSurface.h: In member function `virtual 
> Adam>     [apply]    org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid* org::xwt::engine::boot::GSurface::getPG()':
> Adam>     [apply] src/org/xwt/engine/boot/GSurface.h:58: parse error before `;' token

> What version of g++ are you using?

CVS, checked out less than a week ago. I'm actually using the "gcj"
command to compile, though.

> Adam>   virtual ::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *getPG () { return reinterpret_cast<::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *> (this); }

> This isn't a template but is a cast.

Huh. I though angle-brackets meant template.

> Offhand I don't see anything wrong with the above code.

Here's the whole file (and the file it includes) -- could you run it
through your compiler?

  - a

================================================== Surface.h
// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-

#ifndef __org_xwt_engine_Surface__
#define __org_xwt_engine_Surface__

#pragma interface

#include <java/lang/Object.h>

extern "Java"
  namespace org
    namespace xwt
      namespace util
        class SuperVector;
        class DirtyList;
      namespace engine
        class PixelGrid;
        class Box;
        class Surface;

class ::org::xwt::engine::Surface : public ::java::lang::Object
public: // actually package-private
  virtual void toBack () { }
  virtual void toFront () { }
  virtual void maximize () { }
  virtual void invisible (jboolean) { }
  virtual jboolean getMinimized ();
  virtual void setMinimized (jboolean) { }
  virtual jint getWidth ();
  virtual jint getHeight ();
  virtual void setSize (jint, jint) { }
  virtual void setLocation (jint, jint) { }
  virtual jint getX ();
  virtual jint getY ();
  virtual void dirty (jint, jint, jint, jint);
  virtual void setTitleBarText (::java::lang::String *) { }
  virtual void setIconImage (::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *) { }
  virtual void updateCursor () { }
  virtual ::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *createImage (jint, jint) { return 0; }
  virtual void set (jint, jint, jint);
  Surface ();
  Surface (::org::xwt::engine::Box *);
public: // actually package-private
  virtual void dispose ();
  virtual ::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *getPG () { return 0; }
  virtual void render ();
  static const jint NUMINTS = 10L;
  static const jint dmax = 0L;
  static const jint dmin = 1L;
  static const jint cmin = 2L;
  static const jint abs = 3L;
  static const jint pos = 4L;
  static const jint size = 5L;
  static const jint oldpos = 6L;
  static const jint oldsize = 7L;
  static const jint pad = 8L;
  jint absolutemousex;
  jint absolutemousey;
  static ::org::xwt::engine::Surface *nullSurface;
public: // actually package-private
  jboolean alt;
  jboolean control;
  jboolean shift;
  jint mousex;
  jint mousey;
  jint newmousex;
  jint newmousey;
  jint button;
  ::org::xwt::engine::Box *root;
  jboolean minimized;
  jboolean invisible__;
  ::java::lang::String *cursor;
  ::org::xwt::util::DirtyList *dl;
public: // actually package-private
  ::org::xwt::util::SuperVector *keywatchers;
  jint dirtied;
  jint moves;
  jboolean abort;
  jint scar_hoff;
  jint scar_voff;
public: // actually package-private
  static ::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *scarImage;

  static ::java::lang::Class class$;

#endif /* __org_xwt_engine_Surface__ */

========================================================== GSurface.h
// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-

#ifndef __org_xwt_engine_boot_GSurface__
#define __org_xwt_engine_boot_GSurface__

#pragma interface

#include <org/xwt/engine/Surface.h>

extern "Java"
  namespace org
    namespace xwt
      namespace engine
        class Box;
        class PixelGrid;
        namespace boot
          class GSurface;
          class XPixelGrid;
  namespace gnu
    namespace gcj
      class RawData;

class ::org::xwt::engine::boot::GSurface : public ::org::xwt::engine::Surface
  virtual void eventThread ();
  virtual void reallyDrawImage (::org::xwt::engine::boot::XPixelGrid *, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint);
  virtual void drawImage (::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint, jint);
  virtual void drawImage (::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *, jint, jint);
  virtual jint getHeight ();
  virtual jint getWidth ();
  virtual void setSize (jint, jint);
  virtual void setLocation (jint, jint);
  virtual jint getX ();
  virtual jint getY ();
  virtual void fillRect (jint, jint, jint, jint, jint);
  virtual void init ();
  virtual void toFront ();
  virtual void toBack ();
  virtual void setClip (jint, jint, jint, jint);
  virtual void drawString (::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *, jint, jint, jint);
  virtual void dodirty (jint, jint, jint, jint);
public: // actually package-private
  virtual ::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *getPG () { return reinterpret_cast<::org::xwt::engine::PixelGrid *> (this); }
  GSurface (::org::xwt::engine::Box *);
  virtual void translate (jint, jint) { }
public: // actually package-private
  ::gnu::gcj::RawData *raw_win;
  ::gnu::gcj::RawData *raw_gc;
  jint go;
  jint lastw;
  jint lasth;

  static ::java::lang::Class class$;

#endif /* __org_xwt_engine_boot_GSurface__ */

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