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iconv on Solaris

Is it a known problem that things like BufferedReader do not
work on Solaris 2.8?

The problem is that libjava uses iconv on Solaris, converting from
646 to UCS-2.  Unfortunately, the Solaris iconv for this case seems
to be broken.  Here is an (ugly) test program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iconv.h>

int main () {
  char input[12];
  char output[12];
  size_t inbytes = 1;
  size_t outbytes = 12;
  iconv_t cd;
  const char *ic = input;
  char *oc = output;
  int r;

  input[0] = ' ';
  output[0] = output[1] = 0;
  fprintf (stderr, "%x %x\n", ic, oc);
  cd = iconv_open ("UCS-2", "646");
  r = iconv(cd, &ic, &inbytes, &oc, &outbytes);
  fprintf (stderr, "%x %x\n", ic, oc);
  fprintf (stderr, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", r, output[0], output[1],
	   output[2], output[3]);

The output of this program is:

gcc test.c && ./a.out
ffbef900 ffbef8f0
ffbef901 ffbef8f4
0 -2 -1 0 32

Note that there are 4 bytes of output, even though we converted one
byte of 646 to UCS-2.  Using UCS-2BE or UCS-2LE yields sensible
output; it seems that perhaps we should use one of those on Solaris?

Or am I crazy?  (I am not smart about internationalization...)

Mark Mitchell      
CodeSourcery, LLC  

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