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Re: Query about Help Needed


On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:48:11AM -0700, David Brownell wrote:
> I have a high quality GPL'd XML package (DOM2 + SAX2, validation)
> which has run with GCJ for about 18 months now ... the OJE stuff
> isn't GPL'd, it just repackages some of the non-GPL'd packages.
> I'd be happy to assign it to FSF.
> If anyone's interested in helping to update that package, let me know.
> I don't have much time to contribute to that just now.  Writing a GPL'd
> JAXP (API) and gluing it to the existing XML package is mostly what's
> needed, beyond any packaaging issues.  (Presumably each extension
> will end up sealed in its own ".so" library ...)

Have you published this code somewhere?


Stuff to read:
  What's Wrong with Copy Protection, by John Gilmore

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