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Re: Multiple file compilation patch


On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 06:00:45PM +0100, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> I ran jacks with it and it gave to following results:
> gkjc:   Total   1630    Passed  1118    Skipped 29      Failed  483
> That doesn't look good (it is even worse then runnen kjc under kaffe).
> But it shows that kjc compiled to a native binary with gcj (on powerpc)
> does work some of the time. I don't know how much of the failures are the
> result of a broken binary and how much are caused by faults in the libgcj
> runtime.
> Compiling another java compiler with gcj and running jacks on the result
> seems a nice way to see how good gcj is at the moment :)

I found a bug in HashMap (libgcj/2357) as a workaround for now I just always
add 1 to the given initialCapacity. And gkjc (KopiSusu kjc compiled with gcj
now gives a lot better result:

gkjc:   Total   1630    Passed  1413    Skipped 7   Failed  210

Still not perfect (we need to lose another 100 failures) but much improved.
kjc now has less failures with gcj then under kaffe :) This is on powerpc.


Stuff to read:
  What's Wrong with Copy Protection, by John Gilmore

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