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building proper .so file for JNI


I have been reading mails from this list for a couple of days to try solve
my current issue, but to no avail.  So, if this is a repeat, I am sorry.  

All I'm trying to do is, compile a C++ file as a shared object and load that
from a Java class.  This is to be done on SunOS 5.6.  It appears to compile
everything and create the shared object just fine, but when I try to load
from my Java class, I get an exception.  I have tried using the
"System.loadLibrary" and "System.load" methods, but to no avail.  I have set
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable (although I don't think that matters with the
"System.load" command, does it?).  It's a simple HelloWorld example that
passes strings back and forth from the Java class to the C++ shared object.
The ".so" filename is  I read that I shouldn't create it with
the g++ command and instead use the gcc command with the -lgcc option.  So,
I am building the file with the following statements:

#create .o file
g++ -c -w -I$(JAVA_INCLUDE) -I$(JAVA_INCLUDE_SOLARIS) -o Hello.o Hello.C

#create .so file
gcc -o -shared Hello.o -lgcc

When I try "System.loadLibrary("Hello");" I get the following exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no Hello in

I have set the java.library.path to point to my shared object but it still
didn't recognize the object.

When I try "System.load("/home/dev_usr/brileye/temp_Jni/");" I
get the following exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load
library: /home/dev_usr/brileye/temp_Jni/

All the documentation I read says if I get the above exception, it's because
the library doesn't exist.  Well, you'll have to take my word that after the
above compilations, this file does reside there.

Any suggestions?


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