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Re: Does jni work?

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Kahlert <> writes:

Martin> sampNat.c sample.h
Martin> 	gcc -shared -fPIC -o $@ $<

Here you build a library named `'...

Martin>   static {
Martin>     System.loadLibrary("sampNat");
Martin>   }
Martin> }

... but here you try to load it with a different name

Martin> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sampNat: file not found

... which is what the exception tells you.

Martin> Did i make any mistake, or is this known not to work?

JNI ought to work.  The invocation API won't work.  And there might be
bugs; some testing has been done but it hasn't really been used for
real (as far as I know).


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