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Re: More bugs with inner classes (was: Freenet compilation errors.)

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Alexandre Petit-Bianco wrote:

> Mark J. Roberts writes:
> > So the problem is with parsing the .class file for
> > I'll try to make a test case right now.
> OK. Here's what's happening. finit$ is generated on the fly by the
> class being compiled, it's looked up, but there's really only one
> valid candidate which always sits in the class being searched. In your
> case, the bytecode loader was grabbing an already generated finit$
> which was conflicting with the one we're searching. This situation
> uncovered an other problem: we weren't marking synthetic members when
> loaded from the bytecode parser (hence the confusing error message.)
> With the following patch, gcj bails out building Freenet.contrib.fproxy.\
> mumail.mime.MIME_text_plain because there isn't a\
> aliasName method available. This patch include Tom's suggestion of
> simplifying resolve_package which contained irrelevant code, and clean
> things a bit (we've been picking up some warnings lately.)
> I need to throughly test this patch before I commit it.

I applied it and could successfully build, but not The problem might be related to the following
test case (guess what I did last night). The value of id is horribly

[root@rm03-24-131-185-22 /freenet]# gcj -o test --main=Test
[root@rm03-24-131-185-22 /freenet]# ./test
Works here: 1234567890
But not here: 4627002352841261056

It will usually repeat the same value time after time, but once and a
while it gave me a different one. This test case seems to always give me
the above, but in its natural environment it occasionally was different.

public class Test
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test t = new Test();

    public Test() {
        Inner1 i = new Inner1();

    protected abstract class Inner
        protected long id;

        public Inner() {
            id = 1234567890;

    protected class Inner1 extends Inner
        public Inner1() {

        public void doThing() {
            Inner2 i2 = new Inner2();
            System.out.println("Works here: "+id);

        private class Inner2
            public void printVal() {
                System.out.println("But not here: "+id);

Mark Roberts

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