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Re: Unicode mangling (was Re: [PATCH] Java: New C++ ABI compatibility changes.)

Jason Merrill <> writes:

> UCS2 values are encoded as '__NNNN'
> UCS4 values are encoded as '__LNNNNNNNN'
> '__' is encoded as '___'.
> '_' followed by anything else is left alone.

Would tha conflict with any other use of '__' ?  I guess most of
these are at the library level and '__' becomes '___'.

> UCS2 values are encoded as '__NNNN'
> UCS4 values are encoded as '__LNNNNNNNN'

I might suggest:

UCS2 values are encoded as '__uNNNN'
UCS4 values are encoded as '__UNNNNNNNN'

This makes UCS2 characters encode longer, but with less chance of
clashes plus it is more readable for humans.

Or a variable-length encoding:  '__uNNN_'.
Thus Latin-1 characters would be '__uNN_'.
	--Per Bothner

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