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Re: ScrollPane

Tom Tromey wrote:

> However, the ScrollPanePeer doesn't have a setPageIncrement method,
> which it seems like it would need.

What exactly is a pageIncrement? I don't see any reference to this value
in the docs for ScrollPane or Adjustable. If you mean blockIncrement,
then the docs say:

"Certain adjustable properties (minimum, maximum, blockIncrement, and
visibleAmount) are set internally by the scrollpane in accordance with
the geometry of the scrollpane and its child and these should not be set
by programs using the scrollpane. "

When it says "internally" I presume it means internally to the native
toolkit, not the ScrollPane class.

> The status of AWT is that we've implemented a pretty big chunk of it,
> but there is still a lot to do.  We haven't really touched Java2D,
> drag-n-drop, or*.

Huh? Lots of Java2D stuff is there! In fact, I think you wrote some of it


  [ bryce ]

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