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Re: extern "C++"

>>>>> "Oskar" == Oskar Liljeblad <> writes:

Oskar> Would it be possible to inline C/C++ code in Java, like this:

Oskar>   public void myMethod(int param) {
Oskar>       int data;
Oskar>       extern "C++" {
Oskar>           data = param + 10;
Oskar>       }
Oskar>   }

It might be possible in theory, but in practice it might be very, very

Oskar> It would certainly make it easier to write extensions/classes with
Oskar> native code...

I don't find it all that hard to write CNI code, but then I do it with
some frequency.

There's a project called Jaguar which might do some of what you want.
It was announced here recently.

MS has something called JDirect which, I think (I haven't looked at it
yet), lets you call native methods directly from Java with no glue
code.  (We don't support this though.)


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