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Re: weird GC problem

Bryce McKinlay wrote:
> Have you tried putting a breakpoint on the finalizer and poking around in
> gdb to try and figure out whats going on?

Not yet.  I spent the wee hours struggling with the debugger... how do I
get the address of a static variable?  The obvious didn't work.  I
couldn't "print java::lang::System::in" or "print". 
Gdb complained about "no class or package named `java'" or some such.

I'll report back if I find anything interesting.

> Finalizers seem to be rarely used in Java, which could be why
> this hasn't been noticed before.

Finalizers are a bad idea, IMO.  I don't use them anywhere in my code. 
But there are places in libgcj we probably must have finalizers to be
compatible with Java.


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