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Re: Compiler errors while parsing bytecode files.

>>>>> "Bryce" == Bryce McKinlay <> writes:

Bryce> As a general warning, I've noticed several cases where bytecode
Bryce> produced by Jikes will not compile with gcj, while bytecode
Bryce> produced by javac or "gcj -C" from exactly the same source
Bryce> works fine. The jikes-generated bytecode does, however, seem to
Bryce> work fine in the JDK VM.

It's possible that jikes is generating bad output and gcj is just more
strict than the JDK VM about what it accepts.  I don't know.  Can you
find out?

If it really is a gcj bug, we should change the test suite to let us
test compilation from .class files (that is, check in the generated
.class file).

Running the test suite against jikes would also be a nice thing to
do.  Ideally someone would volunteer to do this periodically.


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