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Class initialization crash

I think I have figured out what's going on with class initialization which
is causing every program I try to run to crash with the latest libgcj.
The problem is I don't see why this is happening. 

Here is the chain of events:

1. JvRunMain() calls the INIT_SEGV macro
2. This creates a new NullPointerException
3. This causes class initialization to be started for NullPointerException
4. PrepareCompiledClass() is called with NullPointerException
5. PrepareCompiledClass() does klass->notifyAll() once it has completed
6. notifyAll() does Jv_CondNotifyAll()
7. Jv_CondNotifyAll() calls _Jv_PthreadCheckMonitor()
8. This does pthread_mutex_trylock
9. Now, it checks for (pmu->__m_count == 1). This is TRUE, so 
   Jv_CondNotifyAll() fails. 
10. notifyAll() now wants to throw a new IllegalMonitorStateException.
    Since we have to initialize this class, the cycle begins again...

The root problem seems to be that pmu->__m_count is zero when we enter
_Jv_PthreadCheckMonitor. However, the monitor (for NullPointerException,
in this case) was locked in initializeClass(). For some reason, though,
Jv_MonitorEnter (which eventually calls _Jv_MutexLock, which calls
pthread_mutex_lock) is *not* incrementing pmu->__m_count. However,
pthread_mutex_trylock *is* incrementing this value.

Looking at the sources for glibc-2.1.1 it seems that the first time 
a mutex is locked, its __m_owner is set to the current thread, and 
__m_count is set to 0. So I'm not sure that _Jv_PthreadCheckMonitor
has it right. I don't like the idea of second-guessing the implementation 
of pthread mutexes in the first place, so we have to be careful about this.

Tom, what version of glibc/Linux/etc. did you base your implementation on?

Matt Welsh

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