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Re: [PATCH] win64 support for libffi (2/2)

On May 22, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Dave Korn wrote:

Thanks, under way. I think I have to duplicate out the function tail-end
code that the current upstream version shares with _ffi_closure_SYSV (from
.Lcls_return_result on) because as far as I've been able to figure out so far,
we can't represent shared/overlapping ranges like this in FDEs. It's not a
huge amount of code, but if you do happen to know a way to do it, please send
me a pointer, or confirm that it's still OK with the code duplication.

I notice now that the STDCALL version only differs from the SYSV code by a different offset in only one instruction, since the trampoline has to do a call instead of a jmp in order to have control over the "ret" instruction.

oh well, it's not like that code is likely to change anytime soon.


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