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Re: [RFC] Number of insn slots used for method compilation

Tom Tromey wrote:

Actually, I think it would be safe to update this.  After compiling a
method we don't use it any more, do we?

I don't know, really. It might be, but I don't know when things like _Jv_InterpMethod::size gets called. Additionally, some of the friend classes/functions access this ( and, and I don't know when this stuff is used, either.

If it could be hijacked, that would be great. That would save us quite a bit of memory, I suspect... An int per method for every interpreted method in a program -- that must add up in all but the most trivial of applications, no?

Adding a new field is also fine though.

It certainly is a safer change, but not without consequences, unfortunately.

You tell me: you must have a better idea than I do! :-)


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