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Re: [PATCH] Fix PACKAGE_* redefined warnings in libjava.

--- Bryce McKinlay <> wrote:

> Kelly,
> Just FYI: "gc_config.h" was introduced partly to avoid the PACKAGE_* 
> redefinition warnings. was deliberately not 
> autoheader-generated, so that it only exported a few symbols that
> needed 
> to be "public" ie visibile to clients outside the GC - ie libjava. Is
> there any reason why must be an autoheader generated
> file?

Of course it isn't a "must" to autogenerate, hence
option 1) which revert the previous patch.

On the otherhand, installing this patch lets autoreconf work again and
reduces the chance that a particular AC_DEFINE is added to
or *.m4, but not to the corresponding

I really don't feel strongly one way or the other.  Since, I caused the
problem, I suggested two options to fix it.


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