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Garbage collection & implicit delete operator in destructor catch-22

Hello World,

I am working on an Embedded PowerPC port of the compiler tool chain. The RTOS that I am using does not provide any dynamic memory management library of the malloc/new/delete type flavor. The compiler, however, emits an implicit delete in a class's destructor.

The first question is "why?". My (admittedly limited) understanding is that the destructor is invoked by the delete operator, not the other way around. An object being deleted 'from the stack' when leaving a scope doesn't need to invoke delete, and delete has to be explicitly called on objects allocated by 'new' (except for garbage collection, which is where my problem starts).

The RTOS image loader requires that there be no undefined symbols in a shared object (so/dll) because this is read-only code used by multiple processes. Linking against other dlls is permitted. Our initial work around was to just define an empty delete operator within a "stubs" DLL and link other shared libraries against it. This is where the trouble starts. We now have two classes of applications running. Those that must have guaranteed determinism and those that don't. Those that must be deterministic use a simple home grown heap based allocation 'new' operator. They invoke 'new' a fixed (predetermined) number of times during program start up. This basically just partitions a block of memory in the uninitialized data segment, and it's never called after program startup. They never ask the operating system for more space and they never invoke the delete operator, which is why a 'stub' function worked. A more advanced memory management library would just add uneeded complexity and latency.

That brings me to those applications that don't need to be deterministic and can take advantage of boehm-gc (namely, I want to run gcj/libgcj java applications). These applications use new/delete/malloc/free from the boehm-gc library, but some of the classes that they need to allocate in CNI functions are found in the other shared libraries, which have been linked with a stub delete operator. That makes the second question "do I care"? If explicitly delete an object in such an application, which invokes the destructor, and the destructor invokes the dummy delete operator that it was linked against, is there really a problem? Does the garbage collector finalization expect the destructor to invoke the delete operator?

Thanks and regards,

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