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Re: PATCH: libffi: improvements for MIPS o32.

>>>>> "David" == David Daney <> writes:

David> Casey Marshall wrote:
>>>>>>> "David" == David Daney <> writes:
David> My comments:
David> Do you have CVS write access?  I cannot approve, but after
David> approval I could do the check-in if you don't have write
David> access.
>> No, I don't have write access.

David> Do you have copyright assignments on file with FSF?

Yes. I should have one for GCC.

David> Were there any testsuite regressions?
>> I wasn't able to run the libffi testsuite (it doesn't seem to be
>> friendly to a remote testing setup) but I did run the code against
>> the old-style `ffitest.c' program, and all of those pass.

David> I don't know if this is important.  If you can get the libgcj
David> testsuite to run with no regressions that should be good
David> enough.  Problems with MIPS o32 support are less "important"
David> than with i386-linux-gnu

I would be extremely surprised if this patch breaks i386, since it
only changes files specific to the MIPS architecture. But I could run
an i686 bootstrap and check on this, just to be sure.

Casey Marshall ||

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