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[Patch] Re: CNI compile error

Oops.  Sent the below to the wrong list...

>[on] I wrote:
>>GCJ Team:  Should I update cni-2.txt to document the 3.0 status, or
>>keep it as-is, since it more-or-less accurately documents the non-FSF
>>Red Hat compiler release?  If I keep cni-2.txt as-is, I'll create a
>>cni-3.txt with the new information.

I've put together the patch on the basis of not going out of the way
to document non-FSF releases.  If you want it the other way, feel free
to do so, or ask me to.

I don't have any paperwork on file, but I think these are still trivial
enough to pass muster...

2001-06-29  Glenn Chambers  <>

	* cni-2.txt: Updated for 3.0 exception issues.
	* jni-comp.txt: Added.
	* faq.html: Update cni and invocation answers; link to

Index: cni-2.txt
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/java/cni-2.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 cni-2.txt
--- cni-2.txt	2001/02/08 17:34:35	1.3
+++ cni-2.txt	2001/06/30 01:16:06
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 Here is a sample project demonstrating the basics of building a CNI
-application with a prerelease snapshot of GCJ version 2.96.
+application with GCJ version 3.0.  Note that the 'sampSTL' gyrations
+are necessary only if you use code within your CNI methods that
+could conceivably catch a C++ exception.
 It assumes that you have installed the binaries in a directory
 in your path.
 ==> Makefile <==
-sample:  sample.o sampNat.o
-	gcj -o sample sample.o sampNat.o -lstdc++ --main=sample
+sample:  sample.o sampNat.o sampSTL.o
+	gcj -o sample \
+		sample.o sampNat.o sampSTL.o -lstdc++ --main=sample
 sample.o:  sample.class
 	gcj -c sample.class
@@ -17,42 +20,65 @@
 sample.h: sample.class
 	gcjh sample
+sampSTL.o: sample.h
+	g++ -fno-rtti -c
 sampNat.o: sample.h
 	g++ -fno-rtti -c
-	rm -f sample sample.o sampNat.o sample.class sample.h
+	rm -f sample sample.o sampNat.o sampSTL.o sample.class sample.h
 ==> <==
 #include <gcj/cni.h>
 #include "sample.h"
-#include <stream.h>
+//#include <stream.h>
 #include <java/io/PrintStream.h>
 #include <java/lang/System.h>
 #include <java/lang/String.h>
+extern void callSTLcode();
 void sample::myNative(java::lang::String *s)
-  cout << "Hello, C++" << endl;
+  // Due to the new exception-handling code implemented
+  // in gcc version 3.0, the following line will fail
+  // with an error about mixing exception types between
+  // C++ and Java.  Factoring this code out into a
+  // seperate function that does not include any Java
+  // code solves the problem.
+//  cout << "Hello, C++" << endl;
+  callSTLcode();
   // The following line causes a link error for a missing typeinfo
   // unless this file is compiled with '-fno-rtti'
+==> <==
+#include <stream.h>
+// Note that this function can not call any Java methods,
+// nor can the file include cni.h.
+void callSTLcode()
+  cout << "Hello, C++" << endl;
 ==> <==
 public class sample {
   public native void myNative(String s);
-  public void myJava() {
-    String s = "Hello, Java";
+  public void myJava(String s) {
+    s = s + ", Java";
   public static void main(String args[]) {
     sample x = new sample();
-    x.myJava();
+    x.myJava("Hello");
     x.myNative("Hello, Java (from C++)");
-    x.myJava();
+    x.myJava("Goodbye");

Index: cni-2.txt
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 16:32:27 1998
+++ jni-comp.txt	Thu Jun 28 22:39:27 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+This is a trivial example of a JNI native method intended
+to provide a comparision with the GCJ CNI example.  The
+source files are identical to the jni-kaffe example; only
+the Makefile has changed.
+This was built using GCJ 3.0 on a RedHat 6.0 system, and
+run by installing in a directory in the
+library path and running the sample executable.
+Note that the current implementation will not work if you
+simply link the native calls into the executable and omit
+the loadLibrary call from the application.  This is due
+to the implementation of JNI method lookup in 
+==> Makefile <==
+all:	sample
+ sampNat.o
+	gcc -shared -o sampNat.o
+sampNat.o: sampNat.c sample.h
+	gcc -c sampNat.c
+sample.h:  sample.class
+	gcjh -jni sample
+	gcj -C
+sample:	sample.class
+	gcj -fjni -o sample sample.class --main=sample
+	rm -f sample.h sample.class sample sampNat.o
+==> sampNat.c <==
+#include <jni.h>
+#include "sample.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+void Java_sample_myNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject this, jstring s)
+  jclass cls;
+  jfieldID fid;
+  jobject obj;
+  jmethodID mid;
+  printf("From C\n");
+  cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/System");
+  if (cls == 0) {
+    printf("java/lang/System lookup failed\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  fid = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, cls, "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
+  if (fid == 0) {
+    printf("java/lang/System::out lookup failed\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  obj = (*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, cls, fid);
+  if (obj == 0) {
+    printf("GetStaticObjectField call failed\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);
+  if (cls == 0) {
+    printf("GetObjectClass(out) failed\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+  if (mid == 0) {
+    printf("println method lookup failed\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, mid, s);
+==> <==
+public class sample {
+  public native void myNative(String s);
+  public void myJava(String s) {
+    s = s + ", Java";
+    System.out.println(s);
+  }
+  public static void main(String args[]) {
+    sample x = new sample();
+    x.myJava("Hello");
+    x.myNative("Hello, Java (from C)");
+    x.myJava("Goodbye");
+  }
+  static {
+    System.loadLibrary("sampNat");
+  }
Index: faq.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/java/faq.html,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 faq.html
--- faq.html	2001/04/17 02:07:47	1.42
+++ faq.html	2001/06/30 01:42:03
@@ -742,9 +742,13 @@
       <h3><a name="6_1"></a>6.1 Are there any examples of how to use
         <p>Glenn Chambers has created a couple 
-          of trivial examples <a href="cni-1.txt">here</a> and <a
+	of trivial examples for
+	<a href="cni-1.txt">version 2.95</a> 
+        and <a href="cni-2.txt">version 3.0</a>. 
         As a comparision, <a href="jni-kaffe.txt">here</a>
-        is the same example as a JNI application.
+        is the same example as a JNI application using 
+        <a href="";>Kaffe</a>.  The same code will
+        work with GCJ, as shown <a href="jni-comp.txt">here</a>.
         Note that you must compile the C++ files used for CNI with the
@@ -771,7 +775,14 @@
 	  Of course, it is possible to instantiate Java classes
 	  and call back into them from C++ code: the only requirement is that
-	  your application must have been started from Java "main" method.	  
+	  your application must have been started from Java "main" method.
+	  </p>
+	  <p>
+	  THe current development sources have initial support for a
+          CNI-based invocation interface as well as the traditional
+	  JNI-based API. 
+          See <a
+	  for the patch, and <a
one</a> for details on how to use the CNI interface.

-- Glenn Chambers
-- Toledo, Ohio

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