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Re: loading of zeros into {x,y,z}mm registers

>>> On 01.12.17 at 06:45, <> wrote:
> On 29 Nov 08:59, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> in an unrelated context I've stumbled across a change of yours
>> from Aug 2014 (revision 213847) where you "extend" the ways
>> of loading zeros into registers. I don't understand why this was
>> done, and the patch submission mail also doesn't give any reason.
>> My point is that simple VEX-encoded vxorps/vxorpd/vpxor with
>> 128-bit register operands ought to be sufficient to zero any width
>> registers, due to the zeroing of the high parts the instructions do.
>> Hence by using EVEX encoded insns it looks like all you do is grow
>> the instruction length by one or two bytes (besides making the
>> source somewhat more complicated to follow). At the very least
>> the shorter variants should be used for -Os imo.
> As far as I can recall, this was done since we cannot load zeroes
> into upper 16 MM registers, which are available in EVEX exclusively.

Ah, I did overlook this aspect indeed. I still think the smaller VEX
encoding should then be used for the low 16 registers.

Furthermore this

typedef double __attribute__((vector_size(16))) v2df_t;
typedef double __attribute__((vector_size(32))) v4df_t;

void test1(void) {
	register v2df_t x asm("xmm31") = {};
	asm volatile("" :: "v" (x));

void test2(void) {
	register v4df_t x asm("ymm31") = {};
	asm volatile("" :: "v" (x));

translates to "vxorpd %xmm31, %xmm31, %xmm31" for both
functions with -mavx512vl, yet afaict the instructions would #UD
without AVX-512DQ, which suggests to me that the original
intention wasn't fully met.


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