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Re: GCC libatomic ABI specification draft

On 17/11/16 20:12, Bin Fan wrote:
> Although this ABI specification specifies that 16-byte properly aligned atomics are inlineable on platforms
> supporting cmpxchg16b, we document the caveats here for further discussion. If we decide to change the
> inlineable attribute for those atomics, then this ABI, the compiler and the runtime implementation should be
> updated together at the same time.
> The compiler and runtime need to check the availability of cmpxchg16b to implement this ABI specification.
> Here is how it would work: The compiler can get the information either from the compiler flags or by
> inquiring the hardware capabilities. When the information is not available, the compiler should assume that
> cmpxchg16b instruction is not supported. The runtime library implementation can also query the hardware
> compatibility and choose the implementation at runtime. Assuming the user provides correct compiler options

with this abi the runtime implementation *must* query the hardware
(because there might be inlined cmpxchg16b in use in another module
on a hardware that supports it and the runtime must be able to sync
with it).

currently gcc libatomic does not guarantee this which is dangerously
broken: if gcc is configured with --disable-gnu-indirect-function
(or on targets without ifunc support: solaris, bsd, android, musl,..)
the compiler may inline cmpxchg16b in one translation unit but use
incompatible runtime function in another.

there is PR 70191 but this issue has wider scope.

> and the inquiry returns the correct information, on a platform that supports cmpxchg16b, the code generated
> by the compiler will both use cmpxchg16b; on a platform that does not support cmpxchg16b, the code generated
> by the compiler, including the code generated for a generic platform, always call the support function, so
> there is no compatibility problem.

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