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Uninitialized registers handling in the REE pass


The attached reproducer[1] seems to trigger a code generation issue at least on x86_64-linux:

    $ gnatmake -q p -O3 -gnatn
    $ ./p

    raised PROGRAM_ERROR : p.adb:9 explicit raise

The bottom line is that when Success is False in Q.Get (q.adb, around line 40) its value is clobbered during return. If we build with -fno-ree, we can see in the assembly code (near the return point for q__get) the following sequence:

	movzwl	(%rax), %epb
	movzwl	%bp, %ebp
	salq	$16, %rax
	orq	%rbp, %rax

However, without the -fno-ree switch the instruction:

	movzwl	%bp, %ebp

is merged with its definition (the first movzwl instruction) by the REE pass. This is wrong since the definition does _not_ dominate this zero-extension: the first movzwl instruction can be by-passed through "somelabel".

I started to investigate this issue: the REE pass is currently not aware of this by-pass code path because it is reached by no proper definition (it brings an uninitialized %rbp register to the zero-extension). This happens in ree.c:get_defs; in our case (insn=second movzwl, reg=BP) DF_REF_CHAIN contains only one definition: the movzwl instruction.

Given the "somelabel" code path, I would rather expect DF_REF_CHAIN to hold a NULL reference to materialize the lack of initialization in one path. I found the DF_LR_IN/DF_LR_OUT macros from df.h: they provide information about uninitialized variables but the associated comment says they should not be used ("This intolerance should eventually be fixed."). Besides, they provide a basic-block-level information whereas we are rather interested in instruction-level information in REE.

I was thinking that REE may not be the only optimization pass needing this kind of information but I found no other one, so I'm not sure how this ought to be handled. Can anybody confirm my intuition about the NULL reference in DF_REF_CHAIN? I'm willing to implement it but I prefer first to be sure this is the right approach.

Thanks in advance!

[1] It's in Ada. I tried to translate it into C but any change in register allocation makes the issue disappear...

Pierre-Marie de Rodat
with Q; use Q;

procedure P is
  B : Boolean;
  E : Enum;
  Get ("four", E, B);
  if B = True then
    raise Program_Error;
  end if;
  Get ("three", E, B);
  if B = False then
    raise Program_Error;
  end if;
    A : Enum_Boolean_Array (One .. E) := (others => True);
    Set (A);
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Containers;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Hash;

package body Q is

   type Enum_Name is array (Enum) of access constant String;

   Enum_Name_Table : constant Enum_Name := (
      One   => new String'("one"),
      Two   => new String'("two"),
      Three => new String'("three"));

   package String_To_Enum_Map is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Maps
      (Key_Type => String, Element_Type => Enum,
       Hash => Ada.Strings.Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "=");

   function Fill_Hashed_Map return String_To_Enum_Map.Map is
      Res : String_To_Enum_Map.Map;
      use String_To_Enum_Map;
      for I in Enum_Name_Table'Range loop
            Kind : constant String := Enum_Name_Table (I).all;
            Res.Insert(Key => Kind, New_Item => I);
      end loop;
      return Res;

   String_To_Enum : constant String_To_Enum_Map.Map := Fill_Hashed_Map;

   procedure Get (Kind : String; Result : out Enum; Success : out Boolean) is
      X : constant String := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (Kind);
      use String_To_Enum_Map;
      Curs : constant Cursor := String_To_Enum.Find (X);
      Success := Curs /= No_Element;
      if Success then
         Result := Element(Curs);
      end if;

   procedure Set (A : Enum_Boolean_Array) is null;

end Q;
package Q is

   type Enum is (One, Two, Three);
   for Enum'Size use 16;

   type Enum_Boolean_Array is array (Enum range <>) of Boolean;

   procedure Get (Kind : String; Result : out Enum; Success : out Boolean);

   procedure Set (A : Enum_Boolean_Array);

end Q;

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