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Re: [RFC] Offloading Support in libgomp

Hi Jakub,

We have a MIC offload runtime library (liboffload), which is an abstraction over
COI.  Currently it is a part of ICC, but there are plans of open sourcing it.
However, liboffload requires somewhat different tables comparing to what we have
agreed on.  The liboffload tables serve to associate host functions with target
functions.  They should be inserted at compile-time into special sections of
every executable or DSO with #pragma omp target.  The tables contain pairs of:
{ char *name, void *host_addr } for host binaries, and { char *name, void
*target_addr } for target.  The "name" might be not the actual function name,
but just a key for host->target mapping.
So, in this approach, GOMP_target will take host_addr as input, then MIC plugin
will convert it into the "name" by host-side table, and call on MIC using
liboffload interface.  Perhaps, additional table will be created by MIC plugin
to speed up the name lookup.  This also should eliminate problems with functions
re-ordering at LTO where address tables from different objects will be mixed
into one in executable/shared library.
What do you think, is it ok to save this additional data in the tables?

  -- Ilya

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