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Re: [RFC] Offloading Support in libgomp

Hi Jakub,
I continued playing with plugins for libgomp, and I have several questions
regarding that:

1) Would it be ok, at least for the beginning, if we'd look for plugins in a
folder, specified by some environment variable?  A plugin would be considered
as suitable, if it's named "*.so" and if dlsym finds a certain set of functions
in it (e.g. "device_available", "offload_function" - names are subjected to
change of course).

2) We need to perform all libgomp initialization once at the first entry to
libgomp.  Should we add corresponding checks to all GOMP_* routines or should
the compiler add calls to GOMP_init (which also needs to be introduced) by
itself before all other calls to libgomp?

3) Also, would it be ok if we store libgomp status (already initialized or not)
in some static variable?  I haven't seen such examples in the existing code
base, so I don't sure it is a good way to go.

4) We'll need to store some information about available devices:
  - a search tree with data about mapping
  - corresponding plugin handler
  - handlers for functions from the corresponding plugin
  - maybe some other info
I guess that's a bad idea to store all this data in some static-sized global
variables, and it's better to dynamically allocate memory for that.  But it
implies that we need to care about deallocation, which should be called at some
moment on the program end.  Shouldn't we introduce something like
GOMP_deinitialize and insert calls to it during the compilation?

5) We mentioned that similar to a tree data-structure for storing info about
mapping.  Am I getting it correctly, that currently there is no such
data-structure at all and we need to design and implement it from scratch?

Thanks, Michael

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