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Re: Bugzilla new bug page

On 11 May 2011 15:05, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> Can we increase the size of the text at the top of the Enter Bug page?
> "Before reporting a bug, please read the bug writing guidelines,
> please look at the list of most frequently reported bugs, and please
> search for the bug."
> It's not very prominent.


Other bugzillas I've used have a big red text box that very
prominently tells the submitted to search for existing bugs. We should
use something like that to point to the guidelines and the "not a bug"
docs.  The current notice is almost invisible, so it's hardly a
surprise noone bothers to read the guidelines.

I'd do it myself but I don't know where the relevant pages are. Are
the bugzilla templates in CVS, or only on the server?

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