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Incorrect optimized (-O2) linked list code with 4.3.2


I would like to know if there have been issues with optimized linked
list code with GCC 4.3.2. [optiimization flag : -O2]

The following is the inlined code that has the problem:

static inline void
list_add_tail (struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head)
        new->next = head;
        new->prev = head->prev;

        new->prev->next = new;
        new->next->prev = new;

The above code has been used in the loop as below:

        pool = GF_CALLOC (count, padded_sizeof_type, gf_common_mt_long);
        if (!pool) {
                GF_FREE (mem_pool);
                return NULL;

        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                list = pool + (i * (padded_sizeof_type));
                INIT_LIST_HEAD (list);
                list_add_tail (list, &mem_pool->list);

'&mem_pool-> list' is used as the list head. mem_pool is a pointer to type :
struct mem_pool {
        struct list_head  list;
        int               hot_count;
        int               cold_count;
        gf_lock_t         lock;
        unsigned long     padded_sizeof_type;
        void             *pool;
        void             *pool_end;
        int               real_sizeof_type;

'list' is the new member being added to the tail of the list pointed to by head.
It is a pointer to type:
struct list_head {
        struct list_head *next;
        struct list_head *prev;

The generated assembly for the loop (with the linined list_add_tail())
is as below:

   40a1c:       e8 0f 03 fd ff         callq  10d30 <__gf_calloc@plt>
   40a21:       48 85 c0               test   %rax,%rax
   40a24:       48 89 c7               mov    %rax,%rdi
   40a27:       0f 84 bf 00 00 00   je     40aec <mem_pool_new_fn+0x14c>
   40a2d:       48 8b 73 08          mov    0x8(%rbx),%rsi
   40a31:       4d 8d 44 24 01      lea    0x1(%r12),%r8
   40a36:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
   40a38:       b9 01 00 00 00     mov    $0x1,%ecx
   40a3d:       0f 1f 00                nopl   (%rax)
   40a40:       49 0f af c5            imul   %r13,%rax
       <=== loop start
   40a44:       48 8d 04 07          lea    (%rdi,%rax,1),%rax
   40a48:       48 89 18              mov    %rbx,(%rax)
# list->next = head
   40a4b:       48 89 06              mov    %rax,(%rsi)
#  <!!> head->prev->next = list
   40a4e:       48 8b 10              mov    (%rax),%rdx
# rdx holds list->next
   40a51:       48 89 70 08         mov    %rsi,0x8(%rax)          #
list->prev = head->prev;
   40a55:       48 89 42 08         mov    %rax,0x8(%rdx)         #
list->next->prev = list
   40a59:       48 89 c8              mov    %rcx,%rax
   40a5c:       48 83 c1 01          add    $0x1,%rcx
   40a60:       4c 39 c1               cmp    %r8,%rcx
   40a63:       75 db                   jne    40a40 <mem_pool_new_fn+0xa0>

In the assembly above, %rbx  holds the address of 'head'.
%rsi holds the value of head->prev. This is assigned outside the loop and the
compiler classifies it as a loop invariant, which is where, I think,
the problem is.
This line of code should have been inside the loop.
<!!> - %rsi still holds the value of head->prev that was assigned
outside the loop.

The following experiments eliminate the problem:

1. Using 'volatile' on the address that 'head' points to.
2. Using a function call (logging calls, for example) inside the loop.
3. Using the direct libc calloc instead of the GF_CALLOC.
[GF_CALLOC does some accounting when accounting is enabled. Calls vanilla
libc calloc() otherwise].

So, anything that necessitates a different usage of %rsi seems to be correcting
the behaviour.

4. Using gcc 4.4.3 [ The obvious solution would then be to use 4.4.3,
but I would
like to understand if this is a known problem with 4.3.2. Small
programs written to
emulate this problem do not exhibit the erroneous behaviour.]

Please let me know if any more details about this behaviour are required.
I'll be glad to provide them.


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