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Re: Move insn out of the way

On 10/08/11 12:40, Richard Guenther wrote:

On x86 we expand the code to ((xl& al) ^ al) | ((xh& ah) ^ ah) == 0 which is then if-converted. Modified testcase:

long long x;
_Bool __attribute__((regparm(2))) mask (long long a)
   return (x&  a) == a;

on i?86 gets you

         pushl   %ebx
         .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
         .cfi_offset 3, -8
         movl    %eax, %ebx
         andl    x, %ebx
         movl    %edx, %ecx
         andl    x+4, %ecx
         xorl    %ebx, %eax
         xorl    %ecx, %edx
         orl     %edx, %eax
         sete    %al
         popl    %ebx
         .cfi_restore 3
         .cfi_def_cfa_offset 4

so I wonder if you should investigate why the xor variant doesn't trigger
for you?

I can reproduce this result in GCC 4.6.1 for x86.
I can't understand what you mean by this though. From inspecting the logs it seems that the if-conversion is done manually at expand time. The final pass before expand shows the original (x & a) == a, however, after expand the rtl already contains xor, ior, etc. So I guess I would need to do something similar in my backend. I can't however, find in the i386(.md|.c) where this is actually happening.

On i?86 if-conversion probably solves your specific issue,
but I guess the initial expansion is where you could improve placement
of the 1 (after all, the 0 is after the jumps).

This is happening on my own backend so I guess anything that is implemented to do if-conversion on i386 needs to be implemented also on my backend. Can you point me to the code on i386 so I can take a look at it?



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