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Re: basic bloc chaining: using dominance

On 10/05/2011 16:23, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
Pierre Vittet<> writes:

I am working on a plugin at the GIMPLE state, I am parsing basic
blocks and I need to check that a call to foo() is only present once
in a function. Howerver, it can be present several times if it is in
different basic blocks and only one is executed at execution time.

I think the most convenient way is to use dominance relation between
the basic blocks: I can warn in a basic block A calling the foo()
function only if there is a block B calling foo and dominating A. In
others cases, I cannot be sure that there is several calls to foo().

In the file gcc/dominance.c, there is a dominated_by_p function which
allows to test dominance between 2 basic blocks and I would like to
use it to solve this problem.

I would like to have your opinion, does it looks the google solution
to the problem or is there another way to do this?

If this is a good solution, I will implement a primitive in MELT
allowing to use dominated_by_p function in MELT.
Yes, dominated_by_p and friends are the right way to test for basic
block dominance.  Note that you have to build the graph first; see uses
of calculate_dominance_info.


First, thanks for your help. I have looked at several function using calculate_dominance_info(). From what I understand, when you have finish to use it, you have to clear the structure by making a free_dominance_info().
In the function flow_loops_find (file gcc/cfgloop.c), there is a call to calculate_dominance_info() without call to free_dominance_info(). I feel it is a bug, no?

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