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Re: "White paper" about GCC front-end internals

On 2011-3-7 5:29, Andi Hellmund wrote:
Hey ALL,

after some time of source code investigations, testing and experiments,
I finally bundled my experiences with GCC front-ends in a "white paper"
about the internals of GCC front-ends. It is not really structured like
a tutorial, but it should hopefully be usuable by GCC newbies to speed
up the introduction into GCC.

The white paper is available at:

I'm pretty sure that this paper still contains some errors or even
conceptual mis-understandings, though I would appreciate to get feedback
of any kind about what could be improved/changed/removed.

Once, all erros and mis-understandings are removed, I would then put
some important extracts of this paper into the GCC internals
documentation to serve as a base for future front-end documentations.

Thanks for your feedback and time,

very nice article for beginners like me. thanks for sharing!!!

ollydbg from codeblocks' forum

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