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Re: GCC development plan

Piotr Wyderski wrote:
Tobias Burnus wrote:

Well, for the new features in the trunk: Have a look at the release
notes for the upcoming version 4.5 at
For C++ 0x (1x?) have also a look at

Yes, I know those pages pretty well, as I check the C++0x implementation progress every other week. But, from the perspective of trunk, they describe what has already been done and I'm using that features happily.

Of course I realize that there is no strict plan,
as it is an Open Source project run by volunteers.
I would like to know what is in progress or planned
/speculated to be, but failed to find that information.
The person who maintains the mentioned sites
somehow knows what is going on under the hood,
so I wonder whether that information is available
to mere mortals, and -- if yes -- then how.

No - there might be some (tentative) plan for some parts of the compiler
and ideas what should implemented first

That would be more than enough, but where can I find that? I read this list rather carefully, however not much information of that kind is disclosed here.

Best regards
Piotr Wyderski

I think there are three broad parts to this question: infrastructure, core language and library runtimes. I tend to work on the latter and in that case I think all the languages are trying to fill any holes in the published standards for those languages. I know at least C, C++, and Fortran have status pages in the manual and in Wikis describing the coverage with respect to the various standards and Technical Reports and Defect Reports in each language. Pick a hole and start filling.

As for infrastructure I know much less. It seems that a lot of thought is presented at GCC workshops. Ideas are presented for new optimization passes and so on. Also, watching the list will reveal annoyances like reload and other stuff. Obviously I don't know these parts ;-) well enough to talk.

As a core language evolves in subsequent standards (in particular, right now, C++-0x is coming up) new language features must be supported possibly in conjunction with the corresponding runtime. As for timing at least C++ and possibly Fortran track the standards as the progress and add features as they solidify either in an experimental mode or on a separate branch. Gcc is an important part of the feedback loop into the wider standards world about implementation experience for new language and library proposals.

So basically, it's this: 1. look at the standards documents, 2. look at the current coverage in gcc, 3. Fill holes, 4. Don't add too much new stuff. Rinse. Repeat.


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