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Re: Any tips for debugging a GNAT tasking implementation problem?


I'd say from the symptoms tasking doesn't work at all, could you try
with a simpler testcase:

-- begin tt.adb
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure TT is
   task T;
   task body T is
      Put_Line ("task");
   Put_Line ("main");
-- end tt.adb

To my knowledge once "created" an Ada task will immediately start
executing user program code with magic synchronization lock.



On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 03:47 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
> Hi all,
>   Over on the cygwin-improvements branch(*) I've got a fairly nifty fully
> POSIX-based port of Ada, but there's one FAIL on the gnat testsuite that I'm
> trying to debug.  It could be a bug in the port, or the testcase might have
> stressed an underlying bug in Cygwin's pthread functions.  I'm hoping to get
> some pointers to help me understand the architecture of the tasking control in
>   The failing case is gnat.dg/task_stack_align.adb, which fails like so:
> > $ ./task_stack_align.exe
> > 
> > raised TASKING_ERROR : Failure during activation
> > 
> > $

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