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Re: New GCC releases comparison and comparison of GCC4.4 and LLVM2.5 on SPEC2000

> From looking it does
> not look that bad at all.  For SpecFP it is different, but code size is

The code size seems to be much worse than LLVM at least, unless
I misread the graphs. 

Also my comment was in regard of the suggestion to try -Os -- -Os 
is not the answer for -O2 code size regressions.

> Rather, we should seriously understand what caused the compilation time
> jump in 4.2, and whether those are still a problem.  We made a good job
> in 4.0 and 4.3 offsetting the slowdowns from infrastructure changes with
> speedups from other changes; and 4.4 while slower than 4.3 at least
> stays below 4.2.  But, 4.2 was a disaster for compilation time.

Yes that would be useful, although I admit for me personally
make -j and icecream do a pretty good job at hiding that pain.


-- -- Speaking for myself only.

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