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Re: GCC Tests For ARM/Neon

On Wed, 6 Aug 2008, Joel Sherrill wrote:

> I see the code for arm_neon_ok.  If I can make that test fail,
> we are in business.  I tried the cpp part of the following code
> and it doesn't trip for:
> arm-rtems4.9-gcc -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -mcpu=arm7tdmi -c test_neon.c
> But when I added the "neon_code" function with the
> assembly code gas didn't like in one of the tests, I
> get a compilation error.
> Do you have any better suggestion on how to make
> arm_neon_ok fail?  Or is this OK to add to the
> macro?

You should not need to add the assembly code.  If NEON is not in fact 
effectively enabled then the preprocessor macro should not be defined.

Joseph S. Myers

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