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Re: Plugin Branch

Emmanuel Fleury wrote:
> Joe Buck wrote:
>> Nothing final has been decided.  There are some efforts under way of
>> finding ways to reassure RMS that it's possible to do plugins in a way
>> that doesn't open the door to unrestricted use of gcc internals by
>> proprietary compilers, so it would be counterproductive right now for
>> everyone to yell at RMS.  It would be even more counterproductive to
>> start an argument on this list, since the main decision-maker doesn't
>> read it.  Sorry about that.
> Can we count on the fact that the SVN branch will be synced from time to
> time to the mainline ?

synchronized ...from... the mainline...

This might change a lot the meaning of my message. :-/

Regards (Doh!)
Emmanuel Fleury

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