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Re: C++: operator new and disabled exceptions


there is a difference between calling new and new (std::nothrow) from a fno-exceptions context:

- new (std::nothrow) would return 0 in case of error
- new () would throw std::bad_alloc that would finish in std::terminate() or abort()

so there is a possible difference in behavior if an -fno-exceptions application relies on std::terminate().

so if you patch gcc to use the nothrow internally, you would need to compile all your applications and all your libraries and runtimes with -fcheck-new.


Christophe LYON wrote:

I have already asked this question on gcc-help (see, but I would like advice from GCC developers.

Basically, when I compile with -fno-exceptions, I wonder why the G++ compiler still generates calls to the standard new operator (the one that throws bad_alloc when it runs out of memory), rather than new(nothrow) (_ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t) ?

In addition, do you think I can patch my GCC such that it calls new(nothrow) when compiling with -fno-exceptions, or is it a bad idea? (compatibility issues, ...)

Thanks for your recommendation,


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