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Re: recent troubles with float vectors & bitwise ops

Ross Ridge wrote:
If I were tbp, I'd just code all his vector operatations using intrinsics.
The other responses in this thread have made it clear that GCC's vector
arithemetic operations are really only designed to be used with the Cell
Broadband Engine and other Power PC processors.
Thing is my main use for that extension is for a specialization (made on a rainy day out of boredom) of a basic something re-used all over in my code; the default implementation uses intrinsics.
It turns out, when benchmarked, that i get better code with the specialization. So it's more convenient and faster, win/win.

I'm unsure why the code is better in the end, perhaps because the may_alias attribute of __m128, perhaps because some builtins which are used to implement those intrinsics are mistyped (ie v4si __builtin_ia32_cmpltps (v4sf, v4sf))... i don't know, i'd need to try a builtin based specialization.

In any case that vector extension is now totally useless on x86 and conflicts with the documentation.

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