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Re: Very Fast: Directly Coded Lexical Analyzer

Ronny Peine wrote:

my questions is, why not use the element construction algorithm? The Thomson Algorithm creates an epsilon-NFA which needs quite a lot of memory. The element construction creates an NFA directly and therefor has fewer states. Well, this is only interesting in the scanner creation which is not so important than the scanner itself, but it can reduce the memory footprint of generator. It's a pity i can't find a url for the algorithmdescription, maybe i even have the wrong naming of it. I have only read it in script Compiler Construction at the University.

To me, very fast (millions of lines a second) lexical analyzers are trivial to write by hand, and I really don't see the point of tools, and certainly not the utility of any theory in writing such code. If anything the formalism of a finite state machine just gets in the way, since it is more efficient to encode the state in the code location than in data.

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