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Re: Some thoughts about steerring commitee work

"Daniel Berlin" <> wrote on 16/06/2007:

> On 6/16/07, Dorit Nuzman <> wrote:
> > Do you have specific examples where SLP helps performance out of loops?
> hash calculations.
> For md5, you can get a 2x performance improvement by straight-line
> vectorizing it
> sha1 is about 2-2.5x
> (This assumes you do good pack/unpack placement using something like
> lazy code motion)
> See, for example,
> (The page is out of date, the technique they explain where they are
> doing straight line computation of the hash in parallel, is exactly
> what SLP would provide out of loops)

I looked at the above page (and also at MD5 and SHA1 implementations). I
found only computations inside loops.
Could you please explain what exactly you refer to as SLP out of loops in
this benchmark?


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