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Re: SoC Project: Incremental Parsing (of C++)

Gabriel Dos Reis <> writes:

> | Another approach I've considered is to skip parsing functions until
> | they are needed.  Since the parser dominates the -O0 compilation time,
> | and since large C++ projects have hundreds of inline functions which
> | are never needed by any particular compilation, I think there could be
> | a big -O0 benefit from only parsing functions as needed.
> That defered parsing might work with C (I don't really know), but it
> certainly is problematic with C++ because there are bindings that
> need to be in overload sets, and you cannot accurately capture those if
> you don't parse the function bodies.  Sadly.

You do clearly need to parse the function declarations--the name and
the parameters--but do you really need to parse the function bodies
themselves?  If so, then my idea would certainly fail.


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