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RE: Adding a new gcc dir

On 06 March 2007 18:22, Paulo J. Matos wrote:

> i686-pc-linux-gnu-ar: symbol-tables.o: No such file or directory
> And in fact there is no symbol-tables.o but I saw it being compiled so
> I wonder where it has gone to.
> Any suggestions ??

  1.  Always pipe the build output to a file so you can review it after the
build and see what went wrong.

  2.  Learn about the unix 'find' command.

  3.  Don't use a subdirectory, none of the other passes do that,
subdirectories are for separate languages.  Think of it like this: a compile
taking place in a subdirectory of the gcc build dir can reference the core gcc
.o files built in the parent dir, but the core gcc build in the parent dir
can't reference files in a sub-dir.  (This isn't strictly true, I'm sure
there's a way to make it work, but all the existing build machinery works this
way round and it's probably easiest to keep to the same scheme).

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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