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Re: GCC 4.3 Platform List

On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 20:21 -0700, Andrew Pinski wrote:
>>> i386-unknown-freebsd

> Stupid mail client send this before I was finished.

> The last time a freebsd testresult was sent to the list from the
> mainline was in May, maybe that is a sign that we should downgrade it to
> secondary from primary.

It looks like automatic reports for this platform came in daily,
almost-like-clockwork from mid-2002 until October 26, 2005.  It
appears that I never updated the population of machines to
synchronize against the SVN repository rather than CVS...  Oops!

The reports posted in May 2006 were from my own desktop machine (not
the source of the daily automatic reports).  I still bootstrap
i386-unknown-freebsd5 on the 4.0, 4.1 and mainline/4.2 branches.  I
just don't have the submission to the mailing list automated from this
desktop machine.  We also know that at least one gfortran developer
(Steve Kargl) and an SC member (who shall remain nameless unless they
decide to speak up ;-) bootstrap this platform semi-/regularly.

If retaining primary platform status requires the setup or restart of
automatic reporting then I suggest that the SC require it for all the
primary platforms and not just i386-unknown-freebsd.  Regardless, I
will attempt to restart automatic daily reporting for i386-unknown-freebsd.

In my opinion, the conditions that led to i386-unknown-freebsd
becoming a primary platform have not changed (other than the recent
failure to post daily automatic test reports and the fact that FreeBSD
has slowed the introduction of gcc 4.x into the system compiler role).

I would be happy to discuss other aspects of whether FreeBSD should
continue to be a primary platform with SC members off this public list.


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