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Re: GPL question: Use gcc to build proprietary software

Mike Stump wrote:
On Jun 9, 2006, at 12:28 PM, xiaoyi wang wrote:
In order to make sure that our proprietary code is not exposed to GPL restrictions by using gcc,

Thanks for the audit. I'm getting the feeling that we should introduce features into the files and give hard compilation errors when the rules are violated to help ensure that we don't regress in this area. :-(

Has anybody thought about this issue in the more general case? i.e, linking and compiling with code that might be GPL. I appreciate that this is a hard/impossible problem to solve in general, but noise from the toolchain would go some way towards pointing out potential issues.

As an example, the Linux kernel generates tainting messages for
non-GPL modules.

I know for example my company, until recently, many people weren't
even close to aware of the implications of the GPL or other licenses,
and there's probably loads of companies out there naively shipping
GPL software, even though they have the best of intentions.

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