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Peter Gerdes --

Find what I have to say interesting? Check out my blog or my analytic philosophy blog.

On Jun 6, 2006, at 12:36 PM, Peter Michael Gerdes wrote:

I've studied a fair bit of analytic philosophy and feel that it is the rigorous arguments and detailed justification that separates worthwhile philosophy from mere speculation or faith based spiritual musings. Is there any reason for someone like me to take Hegel seriously? You've talked about the ideas he has but does he give us any good reason to believe they are true? Whenever I have tried to read Hegel I got the sense the arguments were incomplete and confused but I have to admit I haven't given him much of a chance.

Does Hegel actually have good arguments for his views or is he just musing and throwing out ideas? If not why should we take him seriously?

Peter (in Oakland)

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