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Re: TLS on windows

FX Coudert wrote:
> Now, for an idea of how much work it represents... perhaps someone
>here can tell us?

It's not too hard but it requires changing GCC and binutils, plus a
bit of library support.  In my implementation (more or less finished,
but I have had time to test it yet), I did the following:

	- Used the existing __thread support in the front-end.  Silently
	  ignore the ELF TLS models, because Windows only has one model.
	- Added target specific (cygming) support for __attribute__((thread))
	  aka __declspec(thread) for MSC compatibility.
	- Created an legitimize_win32_tls_address() to replace
	  legitimize_tls_address() in i386.c.  It outputs RTL like:
		(set (reg:SI tp) (mem:SI (unspec [(const_int 44)] WIN32_TIB)))
		(set (reg:SI index) (mem:SI (symbol_ref:SI "__tls_index__")))
		(set (reg:SI base) (mem:SI (add:SI (reg:SI tp)
						   (mult:SI (reg:SI index)
						            (const_int 4)))))
	 	(plus:SI (reg:SI base)
			 (const:SI (unspec:SI [(symbol_ref:SI "foo")]
	- Handled the WIN32_TIB unspec by outputting "%fs:44" and the
	  SECREL unspec by outputting "foo`SECREL".  I couldn't use
	  "foo@SECREL" because "@" is valid in identifiers with PECOFF.
	- Support .tls sections in PECOFF by creating an
	  i386_pe_select_section() based on the generic ELF version.
	- Added an -mfiber-safe-tls target specific option that makes
	  the references to the WIN32 TIB non-constant.
	- Modified gas to handle "foo`SECREL", based on the ELF support
	  for "@" relocations
	- Fixed some problems with TLS handling in the PECOFF linker
	- Created an object file that defines the __tls_used structure
 	  (and thus the TLS directory entry) and __tls_index__.

Actually, the last one I haven't done yet.  I've just been using a linker
script to do that, but it should be in a library so the TLS directory
entry isn't created if the executable doesn't use TLS.

					Ross Ridge

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